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July 6, 2023

Transformative Habits

Looking to build daily habits that impact your life and overall well-being?? Remember, slow and steady build the foundation, so please be graceful with yourself when developing the tools to attain. Enjoy these valuable tools for everyday use:

1. Rewire negative thought patterns: Awareness is the present action needed to reframe our thinking. When we are aware of the negativity we feed ourselves, we quickly stop them mid-thought. Interrupt yourself when need be, and don’t hesitate to address the false ideas, insecurities, and ideals you subconsciously feed your mind.

2. Accountability Lists: When we see our goals and to-do lists, we are more than likely to become more actionable in our daily lives. Lists keep most of us accountable if we allow them to. If you’re an individual that gets overwhelmed by lists, try to focus on the three most important tasks you need to get done that day. One step at a time leads to completion.

3. Get Physical: Movement at any capacity can ignite motivation, release stress and anxiety and fuel our confidence. Take a break to take a walk, find a workout class that brings excitement, or an outdoor activity that ignites joy. You will never regret a workout!

4. Preparation: Our drive and confidence are aligned when we are prepared. We feel a sense of comfort yet freedom when all our ducks are in a row. Preparation the night before is highly recommended for a peaceful night’s rest. Wake up, ready to conquer all!

5. Rest: Learning when to rest guilt-free is one of the most beneficial keys. Our health is above all and without it we truly have nothing. Listen to your body and do what feels suitable to your spirit. Rest is not a reward; it is a right!

6. Gratitude Journal: Putting our feeling and gratitude on paper is not only an outlet for anxiety to be released but also a way to reflect on how far you have come! When you’re having an off day, don’t hesitate to pick up your journal and reflect on all the good you have experienced. You will attract more of it!

- Your coach, Nazanin Mandi

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