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Nazanin Mandi

Certified Life Coach and Actress
I wish I had access to something like YOU BLOOME earlier in my own life.
I spent most of my 20’s in deep-seated denial, heavily rooted in depression. Heartbroken over my parents’ divorce after 23 years while also battling body dysmorphia and fighting the fear of unfulfilled potential, I was lost. Entangled in a lifestyle that never aligned with my personal truth, I knew I needed to do things differently.

I began to focus inward. It was painfully challenging, but with therapy, mindfulness training, and a daily gratitude practice, my life started to evolve.

Empowered by my growth, I dove headfirst into transformational study. In 2020 I became a credited Motivational Mentor and Transformational Empowerment Coach by The Certified Life Coach Institute. With this esteemed training came a natural inclination to share my soulful insights.

My mission is to guide you through the most important journey of becoming our most authentic selves. Together we will unapologetically and fully BLOOME.

You in Full BLOOME

Develop Inner Strength,
Cultivate Confidence and Brilliantly Bloome

With Me You Will

Clear Mental Clutter

Effectively Strategize

Develop Motivation

Clarify Goals

Become Empowered

Radiate Confidence

Discover Your Full Potential

Let Your Mind, Body, and Spirit Fully Bloome with Nazanin Mandi.


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